After leaving college, Dara O Briain began working at RTE as a children's TV presenter. At this time Dara O Briain also began performing his first stand-up gigs on the Irish comedy circuit. Dara O Briain spent three years as a presenter on the bilingual (Irish and English) language children's programme Echo Island but came to prominence as a team captain on the topical panel show Don't Feed The Gondolas (1998-2000) hosted by Sean Moncrieff.
Stand-up comedy
Dara O Briain's stand up career internationally took off around this time as he began to tour heavily, performing across Europe, Asia, Australia and North America, with gigs in Dubai, Boston, Adelaide, Shanghai and New York. Dara O Briain was a regular at the Kilkenny Cat Laughs and the Edinburgh Festival, as well as making one notable appearance at the Just For Laughs festival in Montreal in 2002 where Dara O Briain was offered a prestigious gala show because of his performances at the Irish showcase. Around this time Dara O Briain presented the weekend mainstream game show It's a Family Affair for RTE. It was the first time Dara O Briain worked with former Channel 4 commissioning editor Seamus Cassidy. They later set up the production company Happy Endings Productions, and together they produced (and Dara O Briain presented) the chat show Buried Alive (2003) and most famously in Ireland The Panel (2003-2006).
Dara O Briain Tickets are available on Sold Out Ticket Market at nominal rates.
Ticket Market for Dara O Briain Tickets.
Stand-up comedy
Dara O Briain's stand up career internationally took off around this time as he began to tour heavily, performing across Europe, Asia, Australia and North America, with gigs in Dubai, Boston, Adelaide, Shanghai and New York. Dara O Briain was a regular at the Kilkenny Cat Laughs and the Edinburgh Festival, as well as making one notable appearance at the Just For Laughs festival in Montreal in 2002 where Dara O Briain was offered a prestigious gala show because of his performances at the Irish showcase. Around this time Dara O Briain presented the weekend mainstream game show It's a Family Affair for RTE. It was the first time Dara O Briain worked with former Channel 4 commissioning editor Seamus Cassidy. They later set up the production company Happy Endings Productions, and together they produced (and Dara O Briain presented) the chat show Buried Alive (2003) and most famously in Ireland The Panel (2003-2006).
Dara O Briain Tickets are available on Sold Out Ticket Market at nominal rates.
Ticket Market for Dara O Briain Tickets.
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